Chapter 2 - Onward, the Rebellion

The story continues with our friend Roger Simmons being rescued by the Martian Rebels. Rescued by none other than Bek Storm himself, Roger makes it out of his wrecked speeder alive, joins the Rebels...

... and you know the rest.

I thought it would be cool to add this latest twist in the story. The previous progression has been steadily leading up to this point, or so I hope.

Well, it could have been spread out over a few more chapters but I thought it might get boring - so there you are. Onward, the Rebellion goes.

Of course, it gives me a chance to write about my favourite (okay, American sp. - favorite) ride, the Predator. You know, in the game, Harabec Weathers was said to have specified strictly the exact specifications for this, the Rebels' exclusive anti-gravity tank, so it got me to wondering, if he's able to specify things, someone has got to be doing the hands-on stuff, right?

Right. And there's where our friend Roger comes in. Okay, maybe I forgot to add the part where his simulation model and computer survives the crash mostly intact and he went on to continue building on that model for the Predator design, but then now that I think about it, well, nevermind. I'll just have to find some place to shove that in, and it might affect the fast-paced storyline.

Hmm... or is it fast-paced enough? Remember, in the last few paragraphs I've condensed a huge chunk of Starsiege history, and, heck yes, I'm assuming quite a bit here at times but I'm trying to put everything in as much as possible without reproducing the entire Starsiege Compendium (grin).

Oh, and don't go around telling everyone this, but the part where I mentioned 'thermal dissipation problems' is a subtle dig at you-know-which-other 'Giant Robot Universe'. Heh, heh.

More to come. Let's see how the Predator develops. Hope you've enjoyed the story thus far - do keep posted for the next chapter - and do please send any comments that you've got to me at

Low Ee Mien
[SK] Louie G3L
Tue 20 Jul 1999