Prelude - Drop-In

It is difficult to write about cyberspace, the subject having been trashed about far more than merely "numerous" times in the popular press.

Usually, in the far-off future, cyberspace is perceived to exist as a virtual place you can actually go to, and interact with. The movie Tron was one of the very first embodiments of this very idea - one which remains to this day.

Most of the early excursions in cyberspace were fairly benign - you went somewhere, talked to somebody. Later on, cyberpunk writers began to talk of fierce virtual battles, of bots that fought each other and humans, of downloadable consciousness, of alien world minds co-existing in the same network, of environments so realistic and perpetual that disembodied souls could actually live inside them. Fascinating stuff.

In this chapter, I attempt to bring teamwork into what is many-a-time described as a solitary expedition - as well as a little "extrapolation" of current computer security concepts into the future. Where once "firewalls" stood as a gateway into a corporate network, in the future, it would become a FireWall which manifests itself as an endless, unbreakable wall extending from horizon to horizon.

However, nothing is ever what it seems - a firewall is only good as long as the people using it do not *ever*, *ever* try to connect to the outside world, otherwise...

Low Ee Mien
[SK] Louie G3L
Fri 2 Jul 1999